President & Chief Executive Officer
Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Vice President Strategic Development
Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Director of Production
Human Resources Manager & Assistant to the CEO
Warehouse Manager
Customer Service Manager
Communications Manager
Production Associate
Strategic Development Associate
Accounting Clerk
Information Technology Associate
Donor Development Associate
Receiving Associate
Order Processing
Warehouse Associate
Communications Associate
Production Assistant
Pharmacy Buyer
Office Administrative Assistant/Receptionist
Warehouse Associate

Board of Trustees

Rita Chamberlain, DPH

Chair - Hospital Pharmacist

Clay Powell, MD

Vice-Chair - Physician

Sara Rogers, JD

Treasurer - Attorney

Chisoo Choi, MD


Barry Ewy, PharmD, JD, MHA

Trustee - CEO

Geof Jackson

Trustee - Reverend

Chris Jenkins, MD

Trustee - Physician

Troy M. Sledge, RN, MSN

Trustee - Nursing Administration

Advisory Council

Doreen Babo, MBA, DrPH.

Assistant Professor

Mark Babo, MD

Family Medicine

Harold Harder, PhD

Founder, Blessings International

Linda Harder, MA

Retired Teacher

Mike Smith

Tax accountant

Karyl Stanton, MD


Paul Stanton, MD


Donald Tredway, MD, PhD
