Items Available for International Use

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State Licensing Information

Your missions organization may require state licensing and expiration information. For this information search or select your state on the map. If we currently do not supply items to your state please contact us for alternative options.

Licensed states have all forms and items available. Non-licensed states have vitamins and supplies only at this time.

Helpful Documentation

Countries around the world handle incoming donations of medicines differently. Blessings international wants to help you have everything you need to make importing and customs procedures as simple as possible.
Once you check the requirements for bringing medicine into a particular nation, you can contact us for the following documents or login into myBlessings to download your customized documentation after your order has been processed.

General Proforma Document
Proforma with expiration dates & pricing
Proforma with country of origin and manufacturer
Certificate of Analysis example (available upon request)
Certificate of Quality example (also available in Spanish, French, or Creole)
Charity Certificate example (also available in Spanish, French, or Creole)

To download your customized documentation, login to myBlessings

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